Thursday, 28 September 2017


  1. What is something we did this term that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? probably winning the basketball cup in the b grade against karoro year 7 and they put up a really good fight and they won last time but we took it out this time.
  2. What is something you accomplished this term that you are proud of? that would have to be doing the four j's run and getting 15.25 that felt like the best thing because I used to get 20.05 and that is 5 minutes better than I used to get so I'm proud of that. But by the end of the year and going into next year i want to get maybe 12.00 on point
  3. What was the most challenging part of this term for you? Physically and mentally trying to get out of bed in the morning after a hard day in the office.
  4. What is something that was hard for you at the start of the term but is easy now? well, it would probably have to be public speaking because I used to hate speaking but after speaking in front of classmates and friends in the hall at the start it was really scary but when you finally get into it and get your momentum going it is easy. 


  1. please be nice to your class or workmates if you are reading my reflection

  2. Ka mau te wehi Jack!

    I will make sure to always be nice to everybody. You have inspired me. You have come a very long way in your running this term. I think that term 4 will be another excellent one for you. Do you have a running goal time that you would like to get to?


    Mr McAulay

  3. Hi Jack I like your term reflection because even I can relate to it!
    And I am sure that you are really proud about your run times


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Jack L