Friday, 27 July 2018

no more mining

Jack l think if we destroy trees we will destroy ourselves because there will be no co2 and we need air.
Did you see last year we selling air because apparently we have the cleanest air in the world and if we
keep mining the fossil fuel is causing global warming and melting icebergs as well as destroying native
trees and destroying native animals habitat like kiwi population has gone down so much and skinks
nobody's thinking of the skinks like i found one the other day there yous to be so many but because of
fossil fuel and climate change they have either been swept out to see or ran in land to make sure they
don’t drown but then they get picked off by hawks and other things  and we need to make even our little
creatures like we look after our penguins why can’t we look after are reptile friends as well so in
conclusion what i am trying to say is that we should look after big creatures and small creatures
and mining is not good for us and animals and trees trees give us oxygen.