Wednesday, 14 December 2016
The 4th BTB auction
Friday, 18 November 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
Friday, 21 October 2016
Hi today I’m talking about sports on ESPN ™. Just kidding Hi I’m Jack and I am talking about sports. Sports is the best because you don’t get yelled at you get sunlight and when you put your mind to it you can have heaps of fun. You can ask some friends to go with you. Like rugby you get good team/leadership skills.
You can go along with friends to the sports. You can ask the coaches if there short a player so you might be able to help. If you really like it you can sign up the year after.There is also girl sports.
You should do sport it improves your fitness and general health. It can even make you fit as. You should get out forat least a 30 minute run a day. Try playing sport as a job or hobby.
If you get really good you can get into the big leagues of rugby,basketball,soccer. But honestly it depends where you play like America they play American football or you can be an athlete and go into the olympics.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
Devils punch bowl kwvl
Prereading Activity: Work independently to skim-read this week’s text and complete the first three columns. The last column will be completed after reading.
Would like to know
K: List all the things you think you know about the themes in the text.
W: List 2 - 5 things you’d like to find out.
V: Make a list of words you think you might come across reading about this subject.
List some of the main things you learned from reading this text.
Very high up
Water sprays on your face
Oompa loompa fungus
Heaps of native trees / lancewood / moss etc
How many steps are there?
How high is it?
What kind of animals live in the area?
How did the waterfall get created?
How many people a year visit?
There are 240 steps
Kea dear rabbit
They are the upper side of a river
Arther's pass experince
Arthur's pass experience
Wednesday the day of awesomeness. Then mum said come here and we left. It was the best day of the term it was camp. This time I thought it would be the best camp ever and I was right. We loaded up the bus and jumped on. Then we left we seen some of snow but what we didn’t know was that there was more coming.
Then we meet logan and he told us what the rules were. He was the instructor for us. Then the next day we walked up to devil's punchbowl and the waterfall was really big and water sometimes splashed on your face.
In the bunk room we told funny and scary stories about all of us in the room like it included zombies and stuff. In the morning woke up Declyn came in and said look outside and so we did it snowed overnight and it was the most powdery snow ever.
Then that morning we had a big snowball fight and PG threw a snowball at my back so I threw one back at him and i hit him in the chest. Then Derek through one at my head luckily I dodged it. Then Kade,Sonny,Mia and me were punching and kicking the snowman. then we helped sonny make a big ball then we killed it.
On the 3rd and final day we went on a walk with logan he said for the rest of the walk we couldn’t throw snowballs at people then Boyd shook the tree so we threw them at the trees and knocked down all the snow onto logan sonny made so much snow fall on me I looked like a snowman then we head back for lunch. Then we had to load up the bus again we made a massive line and just passed the bags to each other and we got on the bus and we were just talking it was pretty loud then when we got back
to school and when I left I forgot my sleeping bag so I went back to school and grabbed it.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Friday, 26 August 2016
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
My athletics DLO
- time how fast we run
- convert seconds and minutes to seconds
- compare times using a bar graph
- work out about how many kilometers an hour we can run
Friday, 5 August 2016
My monday morning
Walt:showing us our monday morning
On monday morning I was all cosy in bed till mum woke me up and then turned the light on the. I got annoyed and I really didn't want to go to school today. I did anyway. The frost was as thick as ice since it was raining last night which made it worse. I knew that mum was going to make me walk. when I left I felt like a sheep that had just had it’s wool cut off. So I went back and grabbed my jacket then I walked to school
Hide and seek
Hide and seek
I am running I stop I keep going what was that crunch it was a leaf a cross the other side of the paddock. I see cooper in the distance I jump the fence then go and hide out the front. I found out that it was hide and seek tag. I looked at his hand and seen a nerf gun and he cornered me. I felt like a mouse had got cornered by a snake. Then I sprinted like a hair up the little track going up the side of my house. I felt like it was a trap because he wasn’t following me so I turned around cautiously I hear a twig snap he's coming. I try to be as stealthy as I can be. There was a CRUNCH. I held my breath it wasn’t Cooper luckily I saw my cat . It was creeping around trying to be stealthy but seriously I was relieved it was just the cat.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
BTB auction
Today it was thursday the day we did the auction and some people brought in prizes some
didn’t but everyone got one. I got this balloon for 16 btb point’s. Some people got balloons as well. But there was other stuff like nerds and motorbike books. The most important thing is that everyone got something.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Jack poem
The trees flap like flags.
The cow poo bubbles like fizzy drink.
The grass waves like hands.
The waves crash like gun fire.
The hills twist like pretzels.
The trees whistle like dead soles in the night.
The house gets demolished like a bomb dropping.
My nana
My nana wears a cardigan all the time with a long top underneath. she has black hair that is short. She is 5.6 feet tall. she has freckles like dalmatians. She helps me when i am stuck on something.
My nana yelled at me when i trailed a yarn ball around the house like a spider web. Nana makes me put down a blanket so i don’t make her couch all messy with dirt and sweat.
My nana is alone because her husband died 7 years ago of cancer and she is nice she does raffles at new word. For her job she does genealogy it helps people find where their loved ones were buried.She crochet teddy bears blankets and gives them to the st john ambulance.
My nana gives me lolly’s that have the bits of sugar on top. And afghans but She Usually has to add a walnut nut on top because they are so puny.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
how to make bread
step 1... 2 teaspoons of yeast
Step 2...Two cups of warm water
Step 3...2 teaspoons of salt
Step 4... 4 to 5 cups of flour
Step 5...If yeast doesn't look ready go away and come
step 6...back in a few minutes
Step 7...Flatten and fold the bread
Step 8...Make sure the dough is silky not wet
Step 9...Mold into a round dough shape
Step 10... oil bowl to get all the excess dough off the bowl
Step 11...rub the dough ball around the bowl
Step 12... punch down the dough
Step 13...roll it around
Step 14... put it in a bread pan
Step 15...put in some oil
Step 16...leave for an hour to rise
Step 17...put a towel over it
Step 18...set in oven at 400 degrees
Step 19...Then when you take it out you got to leave it for 30 minutes
This is good bread when it is hot served with some melted butter strawberry jam or some marmite. Quick simple and easy to make hope you try it.Friday, 17 June 2016
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Friday, 10 June 2016
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